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Event One

#LoopBreak Challenge August 2024

It’s that time again! Friends, we’re going to do another 30 Loop Break Challenge! Let’s heal all our broken Timelines and unloop all our loops. Join in with a life-changing event that’s completely free of charge!

Everyday for 30 days we are going to do something anomalous… or challenging, new, unexpected… or surprising.

We’ll do something adventurous, or expanding, or enriching.

Let’s do things we’ve never done before.

We’ll learn a new skill, call an old friend, or initiate a new routine. Together, we will face fears or do radically kind or unusual things. We’ll surprise ourselves.

We’ll grow.

We’ll also go through all our Broken Timelines until we have closed them all. This means we’ll go through our bookmarks, our drawers, our cupboards, our phones. We’ll declutter and cleanse and let go.

Timeline Loops and Broken Timelines absorb or lock in energy and, therefore, limit our expression and expansion. Dissolving and healing them releases energy. If these are new ideas for you, don’t worry, everything will become clear. We’re all students here. Or you may also choose to refresh your knowledge by reading or rereading Chapter Nine in ‘A Map of Secret Rivers.’

Every day, you will receive the day’s Loop Break inspiration in your inbox, and a link to where it is posted on X.

You will be asked to:

1) Post your day’s anomalous action on the X thread within 24 hours. Use the hashtag #LoopBreak. Comment on and like each others actions daily on the X thread to encourage each other and build community.

2) Or, if you are not a social media sort of person, or you’re not on X, simply reply to my daily email with your day’s anomalous action. This is only to hold you accountable and witness your loopbreaking. I will not do anything with what you tell me and I will keep it completely private. I’ll respond with a simple acknowledgement.

3) I will be posting my own anomalous action daily on the thread, just like everyone else. If a lot of people sign up for this, I may not be able to comment. But, I will definitely be reading and liking everyone else’s comments.

4) At the end, I will ask you for feedback and testimonials and ideas I can use to keep developing Loop Break course to help others. And, don’t worry, #LoopBreak will always be completely free to everyone who signs up to do this one now. My purpose is to build a great community of LoopBreakers.

Let’s free up more energy than ever before!

Sign up for this event has closed. If you would like to be informed of future #LoopBreak challenges, and other events, please sign up for The Time Nomad Gazette, the indispensible monthly newsletter for Cross-Dimensional Navigators, Timeline Jumpers and other Transcendent Beings

September 27

Murakami IQ84 Discussion Group