Pippa Oona, Timeline Jumper, Author, Metaphysical Minister.

I didn’t plan to be a Timeline Jumping author. In 2022, I had a sudden powerful urge to get on X (then known as Twitter) and say true things. And so I did. I wasn’t expecting, 2 years later, for it to have grown into all this. It wasn’t part of my life plan, but it seems it was Spirit’s.

I’m a writer first and foremost, but I’m also an ordained minister of the Wisdom of the Heart Church. I have a Masters degree in Divinity from the California University of Metaphysical Sciences and I also have my Practitioner’s Certificate. I’m working towards my Phd in Metaphysical Counseling.

My journey through this dream reality has been one of awakening. If you are drawn to my words, I offer you companionship on your path.

I write to explore multidimensional consciousness and reclaim ancient gifts. My mission is to be Spirit's mouthpiece as we navigate Timelines and unlock the secrets of Being.

Get to Know Me

Likes: Stargazing and rivers.

Dislikes: Dropped coins, dirty windows, cluttered doorsteps.

Quirks: I am often lost in daydreams, I love collecting stones, and I sleep a lot.

Personal Facts: I live in the tree-tops and watch hummingbirds.

Mantra: Remember Core Being.

If you like what I do, please follow me and share my work with your friends and family.

Your support means the world to me.

With all love,

Pippa Oona (M.Div)

Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events
Pippa Oona Timeline Jumper Metaphysical Minister Books Coaching Events