In "A Map of Secret Rivers," by Pippa Oona (M.Div) we embark on a journey of self-discovery, expansion of consciousness, and inner transformation. This book presents a profound exploration of the extraordinary nature of reality and guides us to rediscover the art of Timeline Navigation.

This is a manual of maps, operating instructions, and keys to navigate the streams of energy we call 'Timelines.' Rather than teaching us how to Timeline Jump—something we naturally do— it helps us remember our inherent abilities, reclaim ancient gifts, and apply lucid navigation skills.

Unlock the full potential of your spiritual journey with "The Map of Secret Rivers Workbook." This essential companion to the transformative book, "The Map of Secret Rivers," offers an immersive experience with over 100 exercises derived from its profound teachings.

What people are saying.

  • "A Guide to Living Your Golden Timeline."

    “A Map of Secret Rivers: How to Navigate Timelines is a book written from the heart, at such deep levels of resonance that its inspiration resonates in the soul. With gentle nudges to recognize the inner voice within, Pippa Oona encourages us to remember our multidimensionality, our being, and opportunities to jettison beliefs.

    Timeline navigation is presented here as a natural ability we are each born with, and that we can learn to sense with high sense perceptions including sudden jolting sensations, unexpected emotions, or prickling sensations on the scalp or spine.

    We can appreciate how we've been Timeline Jumping when appreciating how such books as: Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, and The Star Rover all include transitions from one version of reality to another. Through these stories of Timeline Jumping, we can remember that this is something familiar to us at a deep level in our soul.

    Thanks to appreciating that we are consciousness--that we are love, and we are light, and we are spiritual beings--we can appreciate that our experience of physical reality can become as enjoyable as a lucid dream.

    With exercises at the end of each chapter, Pippa Oona provides beautiful opportunities to try out some of the skills associated with Timeline Jumping, such as working with breath, thoughts, and emotions, and tuning into subtlety.

    A Map of Secret Rivers is a marvelous guide for Timeline Jumping beginners and experts alike--packed with accessible tips and focus on essentials, as well as sparkling with gems from the Diamond Sutra and indigenous wisdom.” - Cynthia Sue Larson.

  • “One of the most complete sources on the topic."

    “This book is a one-of-a-kind gem, a must-have in every library of every researcher, with plenty of practical information to put into practice. I loved every word and believe that buying the workbook with it is the perfect completion. Thank you Pippa for allowing us to access this incredible information, I hold you dearly in my heart and am beyond grateful to Existence for having met you through your precious work.” -Beatrice Lugano

  • A Profoundly Important Book.

    “I must admit, I approached the concept of 'Timeline Navigation' with a certain degree of skepticism. The world of self-help and spiritual literature is often saturated with empty promises and lofty claims.

    However, from the moment I opened this book, I was completely captivated, and it has genuinely transformed my perspective on life.

    Pippa Oona has crafted a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of typical self-help books. This book delves deep into the uncharted waters of spirituality, offering profound insights and practical guidance on navigating the timelines of our being. It is more than just a book; it is a spiritual journey that invites readers to embark on an odyssey of self-discovery.

    The writing style is clear, concise, and brimming with authenticity. The author's words resonate on a deep level, making it easy for readers to connect with the concepts presented. What truly sets this book apart is its ability to blend ancient wisdom with modern understanding, creating a comprehensive and relatable guide to timeline navigation.

    One of the most impressive aspects of this book is the practicality of the exercises and techniques it provides. Unlike many other spiritual books that leave readers with vague ideas and little direction, this book equips its readers with tangible tools to transform their lives. These exercises have already profoundly impacted my daily routine, helping me navigate the complexities of life with a newfound sense of purpose and clarity.

    Moreover, this book doesn't shy away from addressing the challenges and setbacks we encounter on our spiritual journeys. It acknowledges that transformation is not always easy but emphasizes the resilience and strength that can be cultivated through this process. It's a comforting and empowering message for anyone seeking personal growth.

    As I read through the pages of 'A Map of Secret Rivers' I found myself gaining a deeper understanding of myself and feeling a profound sense of peace and connection with the universe. The book's teachings are not just theoretical but a practical roadmap to living a life aligned with our true purpose. “ - L. Byatt

  • "Can’t find words."

    “I first followed Pippa on Twitter and just adored her from the very start. This book. Wow. It took me four months to read because I paused to really internalize and ponder quite often. I believe the author is indeed my old friend from somewhere along my way because I felt that friendship in every word. So many missing pieces to my spiritual puzzle were found within this magical literary journey. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for putting pen to paper and sharing this with the world. I already want to re-read and work deeper through the exercises.”—Meredith C Mumpower

  • "A must read for your spiritual journey!"

    “This is an important, thought provoking piece of work. If you are new to the theories of timelines or have been exploring how to master them on your own, this book will give you much to chew on! It is well written and in a tone that doesn’t direct but leads the reader to explore the theories she lays out. I’m on my second go through. I read the whole thing (I couldn’t slow myself down!) and now I’m going back through to do the work in each chapter. Thinking about getting the accompanying workbook too. I’m glad I purchased the physical book. It is already well worn with many notes littering the margins.”— Megan

  • "Insightful and Unique."

    “Lovely book. I began reading a few weeks ago…I read slowly and over longer periods of time. I have been reading about a chapter a night just before bed.

    The first day I opened the book, I was reading it sitting against a big oak tree in my yard and I had the chill sensations in my body. To paraphrase what Pippa says, I already read this book…

    With unique verbiage, insightful stories and with an invitation to the reader to consider concepts in new ways, I am enjoying the book.

    Looking forward to the completion and all that will be shared by Pippa.” - PJNOLA

  • "Taking my mind to new exciting places…"

    “I love this book! The words and perspectives are so nourishing for my soul journey. I’m impressed at the thoroughness of each concept. The book flows nicely and is easy to read. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to read this book which is expanding my awareness and understanding of the Quantum field/entanglement and Space Time. The chapter exercises are the perfect complement guiding and encouraging the reader to utilize and experiment with this new knowledge. It is without hesitation that I recommend this book!” - allglory2God.

  • "Have you ever wondered how life really works?"

    “Here is a one-of-a-kind, very special magical manual where your timeline travel teacher is a delightful mix of Mary Poppins and Gandalf. Earn a glimpse behind the starry curtain with incredible, inspiring insights from a wise woman who Knows Things.

    The accompanying workbook helps you go even farther into the material. Highly recommended. I am SoGrateful!” - Mamabearcat

  • A beacon!

    “This extraordinary manual transcends conventional boundaries. It's a transformative journey through the intricate tapestry of energy and healing. A MAP OF SECRET RIVERS has become a beacon in my life.” - Steven Frye

  • Very important read!!

    “This guidebook is fantastic.” - Amazon customer

  • "Love it! A must read ❤️❤️❤️"

    “This book has completely changed my life, it has given me peace, it has made me remember or start to remember who I am. I just bought the workbook. Pippa, thank you for all the love, because every time something happens to me, I remember your words, your teachings. The best manual ✨ I can't wait for your other book to come out ❤️” - Marianna

  • "The Journey's Compass."

    “When feeling lost your whole life and even melancholic about things, sensing and craving overstanding, deeper meanings and purpose- this book explains ALOT. I don't feel as alone or lost anymore but of course that's the beginning of healing the programming fed to us. I am deeply grateful.” - Amy T.

  • "A book that will broaden the bandwidth of what one thinks is possible!"

    "We are the ever-present witness." (p.82)

    For anyone who is genuinely passionate about the relationship between individual perception, manifestation, and wider reality, this is an excellent book to read and comes highly recommended.

    Written in a friendly and accessible style, author Pippa Oona takes us on a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the phenomenon of experiential being & offers us plenty of exercises about how we can assert our conscious will to become the Captains of our own Experiential Ships!” - Al Pine

  • "Life-changing."

    “Reading this book felt like receiving treasured advice from an old friend. Applying what I learned inspired me and made me feel more content and peaceful in my life. I highly recommend reading with an open mind and heart.” - Melanie.

  • "I look forward to it in the present moment."

    “Thank you for this book and the wisdom in it. I love the cover. I've only flipped a few pages and it's already informative and engaging.

    I'll update this review once I read it. Until then I still highly recommend to everyone as I can tell it is useful and life changing.

    I look forward to letting this wonderful book inspire and change my life and sharing the good in it with others.” - LostandFriend.

  • "Life-changing."

    “Going through a rough patch in my spiritual practice trying to integrate a lot of modalities. This book was able to weave threads that had been driving me insane for some time. I’ve already recommended it to all my people who are seeking to begin spiritual work and those who’ve been in the path for a while looking for a fresh integrative approach.” - Wendell_britt

  • "Elegant, actionable, catalytic."

    “I am acquainted with the author, and expected to enjoy the book. But was quite bowled over by how fine-tuned and practical it is. I imagine that anyone attuned to questions of "how life works" will be glad he or she did not pass it up.” - dills

  • "Expansive, therapeutic and educational."

    “I highly recommend this duo as a Recreation Therapist and Timeline Mechanics enthusiast. The book offers an opportunity to explore new approaches to the world around us,expansion of understanding the Spiritual domain & Quantum field, through metaphysical lense.The accompanying workbook is a great tool for complementing reader's experience through various exercises,and serves as an outlet for self-awareness, creativity, and self expression through writing & drawing.” - Soja. V.

  • "What a wonderful book."

    “I am about half way through this book, and I love every word, every sentence, every paragraph, every chapter. It is like having a very, very wise and wonderful friend sitting with you over tea and explaining amazing things, it is hard to express how much I love this book.” - Keith.

  • “Thank you for such a wonderful contribution to timeline jumping! Your book, "A Map of Secret Rivers: How to Navigate Timelines" is beautifully and masterfully aligned with what I've been sharing and writing about, and is an inspirational joy to read!” - Cynthia Sue Larson

  • “It is such a good book. You should be proud of it. I refer back to it often.” - MaeMae

  • “An enjoyable part of my library - thank you for creating it.” - Cobes.

  • “You book is wonderful, still finishing but it is definitely one I will be rereading and referencing. Thank you!” - American Aristocrat.

  • “I read twice and learned even more the second time around. It’s permanently on my nightstand and I refer to it often!!! My little magical book.” - Judey.

  • “Yourbook was what I had when I was lonely ad made me feel seen so I hope you feel the love as well.” - Meredith Mumpower.

  • “I appreciate all the guidance I receive. The book continues to deliver on its promises. Thank you for birthing and anchoring in these frequencies.” - Tariq.

  • “Pippa I read your book twice and as I was thinking about reading it again I received it as a multidimensional structure of consciousness which integrated my prior understanding of ‘being’. I continue to learn, remember and connect the dots. Thank you. “ - Tariq.

  • “Moving through timelines. I'm reading "A Map of Secret Rivers - How to Navigate Timelines" by Pippa Oona. New ground for a 59 yr left brainer who got it when she wrote "false certainty is the leading cause of ignorance" in the intro. The rest is new for an atrophied right brain.” - ManicPapa

  • “Totally enjoying the read. So many things are coming into the light. The first my fascination with the story, Snowflake, by Paul Gallico. YouTube has a clp of Peter Gabriel reading the story. Back to reading - savoring the rediscovery.” - Susan

  • An amazing, one of a kind book

    This book is more than a spiritual guide. It's a compass for navigating the landscapes of our inner worlds and our multidimensional realities.

    Pippa masterfully blends metaphysical wisdom with practical insights. Her writing is both profound and accessible. She makes complex concepts of quantum physics and spiritual awakening digestible for readers at any stage of their spiritual journey.

    The book guides readers through the process of exploring their consciousness. Her expertise as a timeline jumper adds a unique perspective.

    My understanding of the fluid nature of time and reality has altered forever. Life-changing. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand existence on a deeper level. - Anonymous Barnes and Noble Customer, New York

  • “Five friend ordering your book A Map of Secret Rivers today, Pippa! I offered to host a reading circle.”

  • “Thoroughly loving your book.” - Spiritual Alchemist.

  • “I’ve been spending less time here…. I’m also about to read your fabulous book for the second time. My dreams were so active/memorable during the first read. Then nothingness. Perhaps it’s nothing but I AM a couple of mos. Wiser so let’s see what happens.” - Judey.

  • “Just began my journey with “A Map of Secret Rivers” and it keeps lighting me up all tingly-like! Thank you @PippaOona!” - Jacy

  • “Fabulous! I don't really do social media, but just had to comment on your book (and join substack?!) because it made such an impression on me.

    I am so grateful for you and the book. I found it magical, mystical and a wonderfull guide/read for all interested in soul evolution and expansion of consciousness. I will re-read and refer to it much.

    Love & Blessings” - Jenn

  • “Honestly Pippa I can see myself using this book well into the “future” as new awarenesses fall upon me. We both know how to wheels of learning keep turning. What a joy to befriend your mind.” - Judey.

  • “Yes, ever since I got into ideas expressed in that book, my views on a lot of things have changed. Consciousness expansion is my religion.” - Oyugi.

  • “It’s encouraged me deeper into my practises in really beautful ways.” - Carie.

  • “I can’t even begin to express what this book means to me. I know I’ve read it before because it feels so famliar. Thank you for sharing this Knowing.” - Murathi.

  • “For a person who doesn’t always have a lot of questions, this book is opening me up to ask questions. Time for expansions. A Map of Secret Rivers.” Oyugi.

  • “Read the first chapter. Love how she describes “pulling Timelines towards us.” Watched the movie, Inception, as suggested. Wow. Mind-bending. What a wonderful book! Highly recommended. Thank you Pippa. A Map of Secret Rivers.” - Kate.

  • “I’ve been reading your book Pippa! I saved it for my vacation and have been reading a little each day on the beach! Going to reread each chapter when I get home and do the work. It is SO good. You should be proud.” - MaeMae

  • “It’s giving everything it’s supposed to. Prepare to be amazed.” - Murathi.

  • “I’m still not done with it, I am consuming it at a slow pace. But, yes, it’s such a transformational piece of work.” - Murathi.

  • “I got the key, I got the secret! I’m late to the game, I only got a chance to start it today! I do LOVE the part where you say ‘the key to the door is realising that there is no door and it was never locked.’ I’m early but ah beautiful, Pippa.’ - Kat

  • “Excellent book.” - Student of Life

  • “You’re welcome Pippa. I’ve been following your posts and just gravitated to your book as it relates to my current soul journey probably because I already read it on a different Timeline!” - Jeff.

  • “I hope that with the most beautiful possibilities our paths cross one day. Now sun goes down and I just starte to read your book. Such a wonderful day!” - U

  • “I received the book today, under a sky as clear and blue as a sad azurite crystal. Can’t tell you how happy I am. I would like to thank the author for sharing such valuable information.” - U

  • “Your work is so beautifully written and easy to consume. I’m shifting with every new page.” - Murathi

  • “A Map of Secret Rivers is giving me keys. I open myself to more beauty. more poetry about spirit. more freedom of being.” - Oyugi.

  • “Thank you for such a vehicle of the truth of things.” - B

  • “Just started reading. What a phenomenal start. Thank you!” - Emily.

  • “Oh dear Pippa, thank you. Your book has a lot of hidden knowledge, so grateful. I read 2 books at the same. Magdelena’s tales as well. Both so valuable on my divine journey.” - Marta

  • “Your book and workbook came in last week and we’ve been enjoying studying both. Helping connect some dots and smooth out some rough edges with our timeline remote viewing techniques. Great stuff! Appreciate you.” - Woke Intel.

  • Great Addition to the book

    “Each section of the workbook encourages introspection and active participation. The exercises are so insightful. Pippa's compassionate and authoritative voice shines through, like a friend encouraging me throughout my journey. I'm really glad I bought this workbook also.” - Anonymous Barnes and Noble Customer, New York

  • “They’re lovely books, good quality. I’m looking foward to working through the material.” - Zeus.

  • “I had just today read the section on this verse in your book Pippa, your translation was just as beautiful as the original.” - Samuel.

  • “Hey Pippa! I love your book and your messages! If you do not consent nothing can effect/happen to you.” - Purple Pill

  • “Your book is wonderful, still finishing but it is definitely one I will be rereading and referencing. Thank you!” - American Aristocrat.

  • “Just read your book, Pippa, after reading it I experienced so many timeline jumps it’s crazy! The world is a different place now… It’s so real! Thank you.” - Nyanko.

  • “… your book is beautifully written. Feels like a holy temple where a certain frequency is requred to enter.” - Caitlin.

  • “Nag Hammadi scriptures and a Map of Secret Rivers. I am just now understanding the magic… that I AM and can DO!” - Judey

  • “I bought this book out of curiosity about Pippa Oona's metaphysics. She's quite the teacher! This gift is of the highest order and signifies that she is remarkable enough to pique my interest. I've been around the block or two in my 80 years, and I don't believe in Time either. It's nice to find a kindred spirit. What I loved most was her articulate writing. Just keep going!” - Older Adult

  • “I'm currently reading the book "A Map of Secret Rivers" and it's truly eye-opening.

    In addition, it reminds me of a lot because I was able to have very profound experiences and your descriptions are very to the point.” - Jurgen

  • "I would have cheerfully paid much more for the experience of reading this book! Each time, new things resonate... timelines writing... magical. I just love you Pippa!" - Judey

  • "You're like the classical writers from any time in history. Timeless. Your words are eternal. They will be here 1,000,000 years after you are not." - Michael.

  • "I'm currently reading the book "A Map of Secret Rivers" and it's truly eye-opening. In addition, it reminds me of a lot because I was able to have very profound experiences and your descriptions are very to the point." - Jurgen Waibel

  • "Thank you for such a wonderful contribution to timeline jumping! Your book, "A Map of Secret Rivers: How to Navigate Timelines" is beautifully and masterfully aligned with what I've been sharing and writing about, and is an inspirational joy to read!" - Cynthia Sue Larson

  • "Your book is like my security blanket or favorite teddy to be taken everywhere!" - Judey

  • "I just started your book. And it instantly resonates. I must have shifted timelines when I was flooded with that joy/happy/love and purple green light. I had to close my eyes to visualize the colors. They felt purple green. Thank you for writing your book." - Jess Phillips

  • "I have been reading your book A Map of Secret Rivers and it is so amazing! There are so many validations in there of conclusions I had come to on my own. This is one of my favorite books now. Thank you for writing it!!" - Celestial Sea

  • "Your book was what I had when I was lonely and made me feel seen so I hope you feel the love as well." - Meredith Mumpower

  • "The elegance and wisdom of your posts prior to the release of #amapofsecretrivers called me every morning! I “needed” to read them. Then your book…I was even more enchanted with this new knowledge. Thank you for writing, it’s a gift to those seeking “something”. 2U Pippa!" - Judey